2010 marks the centennial of Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West, premiered in New York. The Italian Cultural Institute celebrated by hosting a panel of experts and announcing the...
For our first piece of this season, the ups and downs of the first month of operas at the Met. Plus, what we can look forward to in November.
As the classical music scene in New York picks up where it left off three months ago, opera expert Fred Plotkin leads the fourth season of talks, Adventures in Italian Opera, at...
The final weeks of the 2009-2010 season, with new productions and repertoire, Muti's final concerts with the New York Philharmonic and Pollini's all-Chopin recitals.
March offered us new and old productions at the Met, the reprise of "Madama Butterfly" at New York City Opera, and two Muti programs with the Philharmonic. April promises lots of...