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Fratelli d'Italia? Remembering Platform 21


An interesting new Italian documentary, that will come out on January 27 with "Corriere della Sera" and that explores a not so well-known side of Italian history during the tragic...

An Authentic Voice from the Roman Jewish Ghetto

Benedetta Grasso

"Una Storia Romana" is a documentary that takes us back to Rome, in 1943 when a young girl, Enrica Sermoneta, managed to survive the deportation and the difficult economic...

Holocaust Remembrance day in Europe and Italy

Maria Rita Latto

January 27 marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date when victims of the Shoah are remembered in celebrations and memorial services throughout Europe, from Poland...

Voices from the Italian Shoah. Reading Testimonies

B. G.

January 27, 6PM. Robert Zukerman and Antoinette La Vecchia, accompanied by Steve Elson, read excerpts of "Il libro della Shoah" at the Primo Levi Center in NYC

From Vatican II to Ratzinger. Evolutions and Devolutions of Jewish-Christian Relationships

Marina Melchionda

From Pius XII’s silence to John XXIII’s Vatican II; from John Paul II’s openings to the ruptures with Ratzinger. Interview with Alberto Melloni, Professor of Church History...

Remembrance of Jews past, but never lost

Jerry Krase

Being reminded of International Holocaust Remembrance Day makes me recall many things... past present and future..

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