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Italian Language

The Agorà of the Youth

Silvana Mangione

The youngest "Italian piazza" ever: waiting for the First Convention of "Young Italians in the World" (Rome, December 2008)

What They Say About Italian Language

The editorial team at i-Italy gathered statements from prominent figures in the Italian American community about the importance of the Italian language.

A Goal for the Fourth Generation

E. M.

Interview with Katherine LaGuardia

Two Lives Through Italian Culture

Letizia Airos

Interview with Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli Marimò

Nel mezzo del cammin...

Dacia Maraini *

Italian Language? That’s why I think it’s necessary and important to study it, take care of it, practice it with loving attention and infinite respect.

The Language of Ugo, Alexander & Sam

Letizia Airos

Interview with Alexander Stille

The Quaderni

Renato Miracco *

Why Should We Study Italian?

Matilda Raffa Cuomo * & Margaret I. Cuomo *

Parlo, dunque sono

Anthony Julian Tamburri *

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