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Centro Primo Levi

“Salonicco 1943”. Un capitolo di storia da rispolverare

Marina Melchionda

Il 18 febbraio 2010 il Centro Primo Levi di New York ha ospitato l’ultimo evento di quest’anno dedicato al Giorno della Memoria: l’opera teatrale “Salonicco 1943”, per...

De-Portees: an Artistic & Conceptual Look at the Holocaust


The exhibit De/Portees by the contemporary artist Jack Sal opened on January 27 2010 at The Italian Cultural Institute, during the annual reading of the names of the deported...

An Authentic Voice from the Roman Jewish Ghetto

Benedetta Grasso

"Una Storia Romana" is a documentary that takes us back to Rome, in 1943 when a young girl, Enrica Sermoneta, managed to survive the deportation and the difficult economic...

Primo Levi Symposium: Reflecting On The Holocaust

Susannah Gold

Primo Levi Symposium: A Moment of Reflection On the Life and Works of this Great Writer. Some Thoughts On Being A Foreign Jew In Modern Italy

Reading Primo Levi in Italy and in the World. A Video Interview with Natalia Indrimi

“Many versions of Primo Levi exist, and they depend of course very much on the different cultures that read him...” In this video interview Natalia Indrimi, Director of the...

Misunderstanding Primo Levi

Ernesto Ferrero*

Within the catastrophe of the Shoah, humanity was fortunate that the train leaving Italy for Auschwitz in February 1944 was transporting a special envoy: an anthropologist not yet...

How Italy Became Racist. A Conversation with Lia Levi

Alessandro Cassin

On November 4, Lia Levi will present her book 'The Jewish Husband' at the Center for Jewish History in New York. It provides a poignant reflection on the far-reaching consequences...

Tutti da Stella (versione italiana)

Elio Di Muccio, Angelo Russo, Stefano Longobardi & Bruno Fortunato

Quattro studenti della "Scuola d'Italia Guglielmo Marconi" incontrano e intervistano Stella Levi, uno dei deportati italiani da Rodi che sopravvisse ai campi di concentramento...

Nedo, Andrea e Talia (versione italiana)

Letizia Airos Soria

Incontro con il giornalista Andrea Fiano, membro del Consiglio Direttivo del Centro Primo Levi di New York. Andrea è figlio di Nedo, sopravvissuto ad Auschwitz, e padre di Talia,...

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