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If You Want to Relax - Get a Cat

If You Want to Relax - Get a Cat

Darrell Fusaro (June 27, 2016)
Fusaro 2016

"I've lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." –Eckhart Tolle


"I've lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." –Eckhart Tolle

What if you don't have a cat?  No problem.  If a cat isn't available and I want to relax, I'll draw one.  Here's how I do it.  Learn the simple sequence and be amazed at your creative ability.

Here is great news about this YouTube video and learning how to draw a cat face.  The pictures below were sent to me from my friend, Ed Biagiotti, a Culver City, CA, school teacher who used this as a classroom exercise for a unique group of middle school students.

This group of students finds it challenging to learn by conventional methods.  However, when these same students gain confidence in their creative abilities, they make significant progress in academic areas as well. 

By being made aware of the simple sequences involved in drawing a cat's face, and then succeeding by following the simple steps, they discover the key to learning anything: there's a sequence. This diminishes the overwhelming fear that arises when facing any challenging task.  As ridiculous as it may first sound, having fun learning how to draw a cat awakens a positive perspective that can then be applied to any area of learning.

Creativity opens a door where there are no doors.

–Darrell Fusaro

Darrell Fusaro is the author of What If Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?, co-host of the Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed podcast and a contributing columnist for i-Italy Magazine.


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