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The NY" Times" to De Blasio’s rescue

The NY" Times" to De Blasio’s rescue

Dom Serafini (June 7, 2016)
Gracie Mansion home of New York City's mayor.

The "Times" is once again risking its reputation


  By Dom Serafini

 The New York Times is gearing up for their hopeful re-election of New York City’s Mayor, Bill De Blasio, aka, “one term-mayor.”

Recently, in a major front cover story, the Times reported  “A Weekend in Chicago. Three Days, 64 People Shot, Six of Them Dead.”

In order to give a non-news story the spin of something newsy, the daily continued inside its main section with a multiple page report.

Now, what was that all about, considering that evenings and nights local New York City TV news and daily newspaper accounts are all reporting shootings, murders and robberies? That’s the point: The Times wants to give the impression that other cities are worse off. But is it?

“Four more murders in one night,” The New York Post wrote, and the front page of The Daily News blared “Subway Crime Soars.” And that’s for a typical day in NYC that, in comparison, makes a “weekend” in Chicago relaxing.

“De Blasio Under Fire as Shootings Surge in NYC,” is the typical headline, nowadays. The question is now: Why is the Times risking it’s reputation again to run to De Blasio’s rescue (after its controversial support of Cheney’s Iraqi War)?

It certainly isn’t because real estate speculators support De Blasio. It isn’t the “socialism,” he professes to adhere: indeed De Blasio endorsed the presidential bid of the Wall Street-financed Hillary Clinton against a true reformer: Bernie Sanders. So, what can it be? Couldn’t it be that De Blasio’s Clinton endorsement (which could give the U.S. presidency to Donald Trump) was a quid-pro-quo for the Times (who is supporting Hillary) to rush to rescue his failing mayoral job?



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