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IAWA Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Special Events in May

IAWA Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Special Events in May

IAWA . (May 7, 2016)
During its 25th Anniversary, IAWA will collaborate with other organizations to produce lively, informative and interactive events.

The Italian American Writers Association is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its literary series every 2nd Saturday.
Readings begin with an Open Mic: IAWA-East is held even months at Sidewalk Café and IAWA-West continues at Cornelia Street Café during odd months. Visit and join us at


As it celebrates its 25th Anniversary in 2016, IAWA will be collaborating with other organizations to produce a series of lively, informative and interactive events.

Sunday, May 1
WHAT: Literary Arts Salon 1st in a new series
WHO: Maria Lisella as Queens Poet Laureate with Jonathan Galassi, president and publisher of Farrar, Strauss and Giroux; Kimiko Hahnpoet, distinguished professor, and the newly elected President of the Poetry Society of America, Maria Lisella, Queens Poet Laureate and IAWA Board member and Eleanor M. Imperato is a poet and a photographer.
WHERE: @ QCC Art Gallery  Queensborough Community College
Thursday, May 12 Heroin, Hope and Redemption
WHAT: Book Launch of LOGOS published by Guernica Editions
WHO: IAWA Board member, co-curator of IAWA’s Literary Reading Series
Gil Fagiani’s launch and book signing of LOGOS
WHERE: Jefferson Market Library 425 Avenue of the Americas, NYC
Books for Sale
WHEN: 6PM, FREE Admission, Books for Sale
Readers include: Angelo Verga, Cindy Hochman, Jack Maher, Victor Sancho and Maria Lisella, Queens Poet Laureate
2nd Saturday May 14 @ 5:45 PM
WHAT: IAWA’s 25th Year of Literary Readings
WHO: Performer, actress, playright, writer, LuLu LoLo Pascale
and author Joe Giordano + Open Mic
WHERE: @ Cornelia St. Café @ 29 Cornelia St. off Bleecker
Wednesday May 18 @ 5PM
WHAT: IAWA co-sponsors Vito Marcantonio Forum's Author Series/Bilingual Reading
WHERE: NYPL Mulberry St. Branch, 
10 Jersey St., NY, corner of Mulberry & Prince Sts.,
one block south of Houston St.
Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890-1940  This event will feature a bilingual reading of Arturo Giovanitti's poetry by Gil Fagiani, Maria Lisella, Roberto Ragone
Books available for purchase. 
Free Admission, Light  Refreshments

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