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Elie’s Puzzle Pet Friends Comes Alive on Amazon

Elie’s Puzzle Pet Friends Comes Alive on Amazon

Dom Serafini (January 8, 2016)
Dom Serafini
The book cover

A new book by Dom Serafini and this time is a children's book


 Amazon has just published Elie’s Puzzle Pet Friends the latest book of VideoAge’s Dom Serafini.[]

This is Serafini’s first children’s book and Cathy Malatesta’s Los Angeles-based Lawless Entertainment represents it worldwide.

 Elie’s Puzzle Pet Friends is a children’s property targeting children ages 7-10. Elie is a seven-year-old only child who longs for a pet, but his parents, who both work long hours, don’t want to increase their burden at home. His life is completely changed by two unexpected puzzle pets that come alive when the puzzles are assembled. Elie enjoys a countless adventures with his new puzzle pets, Sene, a lion from Senegal and Lily, a lamb from New Zealand.

Lawless Entertainment is seeking licensing and merchandising opportunities for the property, plus co-production partners for the animated project.

“It’s a story that fascinated my children when they were in elementary school,” said creator Dom Serafini. “They actually looked forward to going to bed at night just to hear one more of Elie’s adventures with his puzzle pets. They preferred to listen to what were then stories I invented on the spot rather then stories that I could have read from existing children’s books. The only problem was that with Elie, it took time for them to finally go to sleep.”

Elie’s Puzzle Pet Friends is a sweet and tremendously imaginative story that will make every child take a second glance at the toys in the trash,” commented Cathy Malatesta. “Elie’s adventures with his puzzle pets are fun and enjoyable for all ages!”


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