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IAWA-EAST Features Bordighera Prize Winners Gerry La Femina and Joanne Monte on Saturday, Dec. 14 at Sidewalk Cafe NYC

IAWA-EAST Features Bordighera Prize Winners Gerry La Femina and Joanne Monte on Saturday, Dec. 14 at Sidewalk Cafe NYC

IAWA . (November 17, 2013)
The Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) has three rules: Read each other, Write or be Written and Buy our Books.

The Italian American Writers Association ( has given voice to writers through its Reading series every second Saturday of the month since 1991. Approaching its 23rd year, the series calls two venues home: IAWA-East is held on the even months at Sidewalk Café (Feb, Apr, June, August, Nov.) and IAWA-West continues at Cornelia Street Café on odd months (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept., Nov.)


The Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) presents writers Joanne Monte and Gerry La Femina Saturday, December 14, 2013, at Sidewalk Cafe from 5:30 to 7:30 at 94 Avenue A in the East Village, NYC-10009, (212-473-7373);

 Gerard “Gerry” LaFemina is the author of eleven books of fiction and poetry.  His most recent publications are the novel, Clamor, and a collection of prose poems, Notes for the Novice Ventriloquist.  LaFemina is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including a Pushcart Prize, the Bordighera Poetry Book Award, the Anthony Piccione Memorial Award and fellowships from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the Irving Gilmore Emerging Artists Foundation.  He directs the Frostburg Center for Creative Writing at Frostburg State University, where he is an Associate Professor of English, and co-directs the new Lunar Walk Reading Series at the Two Moon Art House and Cafe in Brooklyn.

Joanne Monte is the recipient of the 2012 Bordighera Poetry Book Award for the collection,The Blue Light of Dawn. Her poems have appeared in such literary journals as Poet Lore, The Raintown Review, Cerberus, Ancient Paths Literary Review and Poet. Among her awards are The John David Johnson Memorial Poetry Award, The Writer's Digest Award and the New Millennium Writings Award IV for Poetry. She also published a novel, The Day to Eternity (2012), and has been reviewed on In 1999, the American Biographical Institute selected her as one of 2,000 notable American women for her literary and humanitarian contributions.

IAWA’s January reading at Cornelia Street Café will feature writers Linda Baldanzi and Stephen Massimilla; February features are Maria Mazziotti Gillan and James Mammarella at Sidewalk Cafe; and March features Christopher Castellani at Cornelia St. Cafe.

About Italian American Writers Association (IAWA)

IAWA aims to promote Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution, translation and study of Italian American writing. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its Open Reading series held every second Saturday of the month at Cornelia Street Café on odd months and at the Sidewalk Café on even months. For membership information, please visit www.iawa.netTo learn more about IAWA, also visit the Italian American Writers Cafe blog at
Maria Lisella, IAWA Board Member and Co-curator
Phone: (718) 777-1178
Amy Barone, IAWA Board Member
Phone:  (646) 942-4972



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