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My Interview with actor Tony Denison

My Interview with actor Tony Denison

Darrell Fusaro (May 31, 2010)
Darrell Fusaro 2010
Professional actor and Italian-American, Tony Denison, one of the Emmy nominated ensemble cast members of the hit show, “The Closer,” which returns for another season this July 12, 9pm/8pm Central, on TNT.

Recently I was on the set with professional actor and Italian-American, Tony Denison. He is one of the Emmy nominated ensemble cast members of the hit show, “The Closer,” which returns for another season this July 12, 9pm/8pm Central, on TNT. I asked him a few questions regarding his successful career as an actor for this video segment of “Café Americano.” In this interview he freely shares about his first time on stage and how insecure he was. So, if your heart’s desire is to act, or begin any creative endeavor, then you will learn from Tony’s experience that its never too late or too soon to get started.


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