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Vincere Shows Mussolini's Cruelty In Living Color

Vincere Shows Mussolini's Cruelty In Living Color

Susannah Gold (March 16, 2010)

Vincere, the film by bellocchio, set to open tomorrow, March 17 in the United States shows Mussolini's true colors. The violence and disregard that he had for his wife and his son's welfare and the blindness of his own ambition were legendary but this film shows just how ruthless he could be.


I saw this film last year at a special screening at the Film Forum. I found it mesmorizing and shocking. I had no idea about Mussolini's personal life and how he treated a woman who claimed that she was his wife and that she had had a child with him. Giovanna Mezzogiorno is fabulous in the role as is the actor who plays both Mussolini and his son.

His fits of rage and anger are truly astonishing as was his passion for his mistress and her obsession with him.

To watch the descent of this woman into insanity and then see her son have the same fate was truly disturbing. I wonder how this movie was received in Italy? When I lived there, I confess, I remember a not too small number of people who were nostalgic about Mussolini. It always gave me the creeps.

This movie, on the other hand, lays plain for all to see the depths of his cruelty towards his fellow man. It also shows shockingly that a large percentage of the female population of Italy at the time including it seems the nuns, were wildly taken with his strong man figure.

The whole movie is brillantly done and I expect it will get rave reviews here in the States. I also expect Giovanna Mezzogiorno will soon be a household name in America. The film while upsetting, is magnificent and shouldn't be missed.

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