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Le cose che la stampa non dice

(11 10 2008) Dom Serafini

Il pareggio tra Palin e Biden é una sonora sconfitta per i democratici

Explaining American Politics: What's Left of Media Bias

(09 09 2008) Jerry Krase

The American Right often complains of left-wing media bias, yet the big-time American media, Fox, NBC, CBS, Bloomberg, et al are hardly Marxist-Leninist Kommissars.

Do the correct thing

(18 06 2008) Jerry Krase

Looking for and unfortunately finding common elements in "The Race Debate in America and Italy”

The Italian/American Tiger Wood

(11 04 2008) Ottorino Cappelli

Have heard latest IA expressing his thoughts on race in the 08 elections?

Verso le presidenziali Usa:

(06 02 2008) Dom Serafini

Con Obama vince McCain

Schadenfreude Italiano

(26 01 2008) Jerry Krase

After all the histrionic fuss about how Ian Fisher and The New York Times made Italy look bad (faceva fare una mala figura all'Italia), Italy just did it all by itself (da sola).

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