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Da San Diego a L’Aquila per documentare il dramma del terremoto

(02 11 2009) Dom Serafini

Nato a Caracas, vive a San Diego, ha casa in Venezuela e Brasile, ma si rilassa nella casa dei genitori a Guardiagrele, in Abruzzo

L’Aquila: Riccardo Muti and Music for Hope and Brotherhood

(08 09 2009) Judith Harris

Riccardo Muti led a free concert in L'Aquila for survivors of the earthquake. The conductor, between engagements in Salzburg and Chicago, directed an all-Abruzzese scratch...

A Walk on the Margins of the G8

(09 07 2009) Judith Harris

Who are the real protagonists of the G8 meeting?

Abruzzo-America si mobilita

(26 04 2009) Dom Serafini

Generoso D'Agnese racconta come gli abruzzesi d'America si sono impegnati per aiutare i terremotati

The Invisible Victims of the Abruzzo Earthquake

(11 04 2009) Laura E. Ruberto

An unknown number of documented and undocumented immigrants in Abruzzo have died or lost their homes because of the recent earthquake.

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