(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on April 9, 2006) Having explored some varieties of Communist experience in Italy, up through the moment when the hammer and...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on April 2, 2006) We have been tracing the path of Italian Communism from anti-Fascism (clandestine and open) through the Salerno...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on March 26, 2006) Since our goal here is to understand today’s politics, why have we spent several columns raking through the...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on March 26, 2006) Since our goal here is to understand today’s politics, why have we spent several columns raking through the...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on March 19, 2006) Palmiro Togliatti’s dramatic switch in Salerno (our focus in several recent columns)—transforming an...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on February 12, 2006) The gutter salvos of the principals in the election campaign, with accompanying modeling of silly T-shirts,...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on March 5 2006) Last week, we reviewed the possible reasons for the 1944 Salerno Switch (in which Palmiro Togliatti, having made...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on February 26, 2006) We have been focusing on what we have dubbed the Salerno Switch, Palmiro Togliatti’s peremptory arrival...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on February 19, 2006) Last week we watched Palmiro Togliatti’s peremptory shanghaiing of the 1944 gathering of the Communist...
(This article first appeared in US Italia weekly on February 12, 2006) On the afternoon of March 27, 1944, the recognized leader of Italian Communism, Palmiro Togliatti, probably...